Friends thank you again for standing with me as I ministered in the Valley for 10 years in sometimes trying circumstances.
Now I would like to stand with you in these trying times.
The Lord spoke to me today and told me to "HOLD ON TO THE MIRACLES".
He has instructed me to start meditating on His miracles that He has performed throughout the Bible.
I am starting with the first miracle " In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"
Friends no matter what your circumstances God can create victory for you, physically, emotionally, financially, socially.
He brought this universe into being from nothing , and He is well able to sustain you if he did that.
Maybe over the next few months we will all need to see Gods miraculous provision for our lives so lets start now together mediating on His miracle power towards us.
I would love to hear what you think and any ideas you may have or revelations about His miraculous power.
He told me to "hold on to the miracles" and lets not let them go
I believe firmly that we are on the verge of one of Gods greatest manifestations of miracle power the world has ever seen..
Looking forward to hearing from you.